Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mom Starts her Trip

Well the trip is officially starting today.  Mom making the first steps of her journey today, the drive from Peace River to Edmonton.  For those of us who have lived in Peace River, we are all familiar with the 5+ hour drive, however for those of you who have never been north you can imagine a long drive filled forests, prairie farms, lots of transport trucks and hopefully no deer or moose.

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Mom will be driving the first part of this trip, from Peace River to Valleyview, by herself.  This is about an hour and a half driver.  The full drive to Edmonton will be too much for her to do on her own so Rory will meet her in Valleyview to do the rest of the drive.

Greyhound Bus has limited service to Peace River.  In order for Rory to meet her in Peace River he would need to leave Edmonton at midnight and arrive at 6:30 am, and then drive to Edmonton.  Because Rory isn't a robot and needs to sleep before driving (whimp), he is instead taking the bus to Valleyview so that he can leave Edmonton at 6:30 am and then arrive in Valleyview at 11, and then back to Edmonton with mom.

Mom has a hotel by the airport tonight so she'll be close by for her 8 am flight.

I'll be spending the day at home with Nick and finishing my packing for the trip.  Thankfully Emily the cat is being a great help...

Emily takes a nap in Maggie's suitcase.  Do you think she wants to come to Bulgaria?

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